Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Ali Al-Jeraisy

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Al-Jeraisy Group

The Promise

When I founded “Al-Jeraisy Riyadh House” more than half a century ago, I had dreams and ambitions that I considered at the time to be a fantasy that haunts every small businessman who has nothing but dreams and good intentions. As time passed, my dreams began to turn into a reality that took shape before me, and I learned the first lesson in this life: “Nothing is impossible for God’s will, good intentions, hard work and perseverance.” Like any young businessman, my projects were exposed to many stumbling blocks that I discovered while I was in the process of dealing with them – most of which were due to me and my colleagues working with me. Then I realized and learned the second lesson: “The necessity of careful study and planning before proceeding with implementation.” With the expansion of the customer base of “Al-Jeraisy House of Riyadh” who have become the main motivation for my commitment to continuous work and development, I realized that one of the pillars of success is keeping the promise. Customers do not abandon you as long as you do not abandon them. And here we are now, after these long years in which “Al-Jeraisy House of Riyadh” has grown and branched out into a group of companies and factories that all work under the umbrella of “Al-Jeraisy Group”, we still have dreams and we still learn and develop plans and studies and we work hard and persevere in order to “keep the promise”

Dr. Khaled bin Abdulrahman Al-Jeraisy

CEO - Riyadh House

The Future

Comprehensive furnishing and equipment solutions is a slogan that Al-Jeraisy Riyadh House has been committed to since its early years of establishment, and today we confirm that we are still committed to continuous work to give this slogan more realism, effectiveness and flexibility. As we strive to keep pace with everything new in the world of technology and furnishing, and employ it with the aim of providing an ideal work environment for the Saudi business community.
Our endeavor is not limited to providing the latest products only, but we attach great importance to service, as we consider it the cornerstone in achieving customer satisfaction, so Al-Jeraisy House of Riyadh is interested in training its cadres and providing the latest technologies to improve their performance level, and we also take care to be present in all regions of the Kingdom where our branches are spread, and Al-Jeraisy House of Riyadh’s huge fleet covers all regions quickly and effectively, guaranteed by a technical team that is considered the largest of its kind in the Kingdom.
As we are proud today of the progress and development we have achieved, we attribute the credit for that to God’s grace, then to our customers who have given us their trust and continuous support, assuring them that we are still keeping our promise, as they are our partners and our goal is their satisfaction.